Who we are
Pro Arte is a company that offers researches, consultancy services and an experienced approach to the restoration field.
Pro Arte carries out research works on commission and all services
are fine-tuned to the client’s specific needs providing effective solutions on a fully detailed survey.
Pro Arte draws on several collaborations in
different scientific fields, in high competence and in advanced technology. This company has gained considerable scientific knowledge in chemistry, in geology, in biology, in geophysics, in geoscopy and in botany.
Over the years, Pro Arte has applied intervention techniques and methodologies about analyses on paintings, frescos and stones manufacturers and it has developed artistic and architectural diagnostic identifying the cause of defects and
the best possible methods of repair. Pro Arte has carried out for long time non destructive surveys employing the most modern and effective methods in conservation field.
Pro Arte’s activities draws on the company’s internal research laboratory, which is endowed with advanced equipment and high performance instruments for investigation in various sectors, ranging from painting sciences to research on materials.